General questions


Can I have multiple blogs?

Yes, you can have multiple blogs as long as each is in a different directory. Each can use different database, the same database but with different table names (by the use of a prefix), or the same database on the same tables (blogs with different ids).

You can run the wizard to set up the first 2 options. A little more work is necessary for the third option.


Can I use a different page template for my static pages?

Yes, you can create different templates for your pages. You need to register the new template in the skin.json file, and it will appear in a dropdown menu when creating or updating your static page in the admin.


I don't like the URLs "post.cfm/my-post", "page.cfm/my-page", etc. How can I change them?

You will first need to have mod_rewrite in Apache enabled (see Apache docs on how to use it) or ISAPI rewrite (or other url rewrite engine for IIS) and change the url to the address you want. I order to make the links point to that new address, edit the entries in the database table "setting". All URL settings have value "system/urls" for their "path" column. There are settings for all addresses generated by Mango (posts, pages, archives, search). You can change (address shown is default, variables in {} will be changed to the actual values on runtime):

searchUrl: archives.cfm/search/
postUrl: post.cfm/{postName}
authorUrl: author.cfm/{authorAlias}
archivesUrl: archives.cfm/
categoryUrl: archives.cfm/category/{categoryName}
pageUrl: page.cfm/{pageHierarchyNames}{pageName}
rssUrl: feeds/rss.cfm
atomUrl: feeds/atom.cfm


I see a blank page when I browse post and pages or I don't have friendly urls enabled in my host

If you cannot make any change in your host, you can use simpler URLs. You will need to make changes to the values with path "system/urls" in the table "setting" in your datbase as follows:

searchUrl: archives.cfm?search=1
postUrl: post.cfm?entry={postName}
authorUrl: author.cfm?alias={authorAlias}
archivesUrl: archives.cfm?{archiveType}=
categoryUrl: archives.cfm?category={categoryName}
pageUrl: page.cfm?entry={pageName}&parent={pageHierarchyNames}




Error: onApplicationStart: Event handler exception.

That error could be due to any fatal error your blog has, including not being able to connect to the database. To know what the actual error is, you'll have to open the Application.cfc file in the root of your install and remove the lines starting at line 108: and ending in line 133: . Save the file and browse your blog again. You should see the originating error that would help us debug your problem better. After fixing the problem, you should revert the file to its original state.


Installation Problems


The system cannot find the path specified

  • Check that the server does not have a mapping for "/"
  • Some configurations of IIS cannot have periods in the folder names.

example d:/websites/site.com/ may need to be d:/websites/site_com/

Unknown tag: XXXX. ColdFusion cannot determine how to process the tag XXXX because the tag is unknown and not in any imported tag libraries. The tag name might be misspelled.

  • The most common cause for this type of error is a file that was not uploaded to the server, or an archive file that was not unzipped properly.

Permissions Denied

  • On linux, chmod 777
  • On windows, make sure the system or root user has write privileges.


Plugin Problems

Troubleshooting plugin issues generally involves looking at Mango's logs. Here are a few steps for helping you get started with plugin troubleshooting:

  • Enable verbose logging. The latest version of LogViewer also allows you to enable verbose logging with a single click.
  • Install Log Viewer or use an alternate log-displaying facility
  • Clear any logs that may be saved up
  • Do just the one thing that causes an error (so that there is only 1 error in the log), so that you have access to the exception information

If you still get too many errors at once, disable all other plugins. You might have more than 1 problem and you need to fix one at a time.