Version 1.6
- Big changes in the initialization of the Mango and the general settings, which are no longer in the configuration file
- Updated the facade to be easier to use in multi-site installs
- Added permission for profile management
- Added permissions for comment management
- Added new system plugin to help manage assets such as creating automatic thumbnails using a URL
- Added output for archives to show current page number and total number of pages
- Added ifHasDescription to AuthorProperty.
- Added currentCount to PodProperty tag
- Added ifNotHasPicture to author tag
- Fixed issue with IE not showing the directories in the file explorer
- Added setup directory removal after setup is complete. Written by Adam Tuttle
- Fixed problems in Atom feeds when blog was installed in root
- Added a table to fix layout issue in post form
- Added attribute ifCustomFieldEQ to PostProperty
- Transfered some "if" tests from PostProperty tag to Post tag
- Added getting posts with a custom field or custom field value.
- Added some "if" tests to Category tag
- Hide Cache if user can't "manage_system"
- Bug fixes to API
- Fixed issue with RevisionManager plugin in Railo
- Added Blogger import. Written by Alan Rother
Version 1.5
- Added multi-category archives as in archives.cfm/category/news,events
- Updated File Explorer
- Added "asset selector" form field (thanks to Adam Tuttle!)
- Added "countable" form field
- Fixed rendering problems in administration when using Chrome
- Reduced the amount of logging done on plugin failures. Full error logging will onl y be performed if level is set to "debug" in configuration file.
- Plugins can now add custom panels very easily by adding an xml file.
- Added method to update custom field without incurring into version change.
- Added methods to add custom permissions for plugins
- Fixed issues with IE and pod formatting
- Fixed RevisionManager plugin issue
- Fixed SQL issue and other bugs
Version 1.4.2 and 1.4.3
- Performance improvements
- Security patches for not found pages or posts
- More secure defaults for the output of all tags
- Logging to database instead of public logs
- Added custom loggers
- Updated captcha for CF9 (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Addition of attributes to some tags: ifNotIsType to ArchiveProperty, format to Message
- Change to Railo installs to use threading
- Added init method to BasePlugin
- New tag Setting and SettingProperty
- The gravatar tag can now be used within a post to show the author's gravatar image
- Fixed issues with installer and other bugs
Version 1.4.1
- Added sorting order for posts
- Fixed some issues with the Environment tag
- Added the attribute sortOrder and ifNotHasCustomField to the PageProperty tag
- Fixed issue with Authors archives
Version 1.4
- Revisions of posts and pages are now stored and user can "restore" an older version
- Added a permission for users to not to be able to access the administation (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Added a replacement for Verity search to search in database directly (this search now includes comments). It is the default search now.
- Plugin settings are now stored in database, which should make it easier to migrate a blog
- TinyMCE editor upgraded
- Configuration file now has placeholders for base path so that directories do not need to be hardcoded in configuration file
- Ability to disable or enable threading
- Plugins made for ColdFusion 8 only can extend org.mangoblog.plugins.BasePlugin without including BasePlugin in their own folder
- Friendly URLs for author archives
Changes in theme tags:
- Added a descending order option for the comments tag
- Enhanced Posts tag to be able to show posts for a given author
- AuthorProperty tag can now output the name of the role of the author
- Added AuthenticatedAuthor tag that allows the theme to know if the current visitor is logged in
- Post pagination and search
- Session will be maintained while user is writing a post or page
- Added permission to manage pods and to run blog updates
- Drafts now always "float" to the top of the list
- Ability to remove plugins
- Added "beforeAdminPageContentEnd" event to the bottom of the page edit screen and "beforeAdminPostContentEnd" to the bottom of the post edit screen
- Ability to manually set the post URL (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Added more functionality to BasePlugin to make it easier to write plugins.
- Plugins can now run their own upgrade method when a new version is installed via the administration
- Paging for authors screen
- Cosmetic changes: Add ons renamed to Plugins, go directly to edit mode after adding a new post or page (thanks to Seb Duggan), changed Pod Manager icon
Updates to new installs:
- Added new plugin that allows keeping the old BlogCFC URLs functional
- Added sample data
- Include CFFormProtect (enabled by default instead of Captchas)
- New default theme called Cutline
- New installs on Railo will now have an error on main page (thanks to Andrea Campolonghi)
Plugins updated:
- formRememberer (included in update)
- CFFormProtect (not included in automatic update)
Bug fixes:
- Solved some compatibility issues with Railo
- Fixed XSS vulnerability (themes need to be updated to take advantage of this)
- Preview link was wrong in future posts
- Comments are now rejected if comments are closed for a post or page
- Error when entering an empty search string
- Error when not using friendly URLs
- and more...
Version 1.3 & 1.3.1
- Custom authentication (read more about this feature) and custom login pages controlled from the skin
- Updated administration forms for better styling and to work with jQuery (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Updated plugins to match new administration form styling (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Added feature to let plugins have assets, which are automatically moved to a web accessible location upon plugin activation. (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Updated install wizard styling (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Added plugin auto-install functionality (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Created a BasePlugin class to simplify plugin development (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Added the ability to preview a draft post or page
- Added Wordpress API functions to external API
- Separated color coding from paragraph formatting into two plugins
Bug fixes:
- File explorer issue in Railo
- Issue when importing from Wordpress
- Permissions issue when an author had draft posts and they were not showing in the list
- Incorrect event priorities (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- Subscription email not sent when creator had an invalid address
- Post archives by author not showing in correct order (thanks to Seb Duggan)
- and many more...
Version 1.2.3 & 1.2.4
- Railo 3 compatibility
- Wordpress and BlogCFC import bug fixes
Version 1.2.2
- Automatic upgrades
- More responsive cache
- Add categories while creating a post
- Delete categories
- Disallow a commenter to write the same comment twice to the same post (to avoid refresh/resubmit comment)
- Show friendlier messages when a plugin is activated
- Added Recent comments tag to show latest comments in the blog (tags need to be added to themes)
- Improvement to XMLRCP API to allow uploading assets such as images (thanks to Dan Short)
- Fixed possible cross-scripting attack in comments
- Added Home Chooser plugin
- Various bug fixes and minor additions to template tags
- Several updates to plugins
Version 1.1
- New template tags that allow manipulation of pods
- Initial Pod Manager
- Updated Google Analytics plugin
- Updated Form-to-email plugin to work with Captcha
- File explorer fix for IE
- Users can create drafts that do not have title or content
- Upgraded TinyMCE editor
- Miscelaneous bug fixes
Version 1.0
- Added user roles and permissions
- New file explorer
- Upgraded TinyMCE editor
- New File explorer plugin for TinyMCE editor
- Ability to create custom post and page edit panels
- Added hooks to let plugin developers add Pods to the admin Dashboard
- Added a simple Statistic pod for the Dashboard
- Users can now be de-activated
Version 0.2.5
- Fixed links cache problem
- Updated Google Analytics plugin for Google's new javascript code
- Added custom fields to post and page forms in administration
- Added some plugin events to admin forms
- Updated plugin.xml files to include Mango version required
Version 0.2.4
- Fixed bugs when using Contribute to update posts
- Added Akismet plugin
- Added Glossy Blue skin
- Some bug fixes
Version 0.2.3
- Administration cache manager to update your posts and pages cache (clearing the cache for links still in the works)
- Mango can now be installed on a host that requires username and password to be supplied in every query
- Added FormToEmail plugin that allows you to have a form in any of your static pages and it will send the information entered by the user to specified email addresses
- Some bug fixes
Version 0.2
- Feeds for individual categories and multiple categories
- Archives are now "paged" with Next and Previous Entries links
- Administration now shows when there are updates for skins available
- Search function will do a search in the database if Verity is not available
- Some bug fixes